Do you have to be mad to be an artist?

I like to play around with the idea that there is order within chaos!

I have always been fascinated by the way our brains perceive the world around us. Everything we see is represented by countless microscopic cells of colour. The closer we view these cells the more random they appear. Then when we pull away the brain stitches these cells together to generate an image. It is this phenomenon that I use to create my paintings.

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I design my paintings to work on two levels. Firstly as an abstract. A myriad of coloured cells that only hint at the image they are trying to portray. Then secondly a detailed image that reveals itself with startling clarity when viewed from a distance.

Each painting is a difficult journey with as many as forty thousand individually mixed cells of colour. Each cell has to be placed precisely if it is to breath life into the image I am trying to capture. The process takes immense concentration and I feel a little part of my soul is transferred with each stroke of the brush. It often feels as I am delivering a child rather than creating an image. It is for this reason that I find it so hard to let my paintings go and yet I feel immense pride when I finally release them into the world.

Art, for me, is a great release. The weeks and months spent raising a subject from a flat bland canvas is truly cathartic. My relationship with each new piece is strangely intimate and I often find myself breaking the solitude by talking to my creation as it slowly takes shape. This is perhaps why I almost always start with the eyes. Thankfully, the conversation is totally one sided. The day that one of my paintings talk back to me will likely be the day I close the studio door for the last time!

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